Saturday, September 26, 2009

4th year film concept

Some exploration drawings for the main character/locations and a quick colour study. Drew a lot of inspiration from Brad Birds Iron Giant and Calvin and Hobbes.

5 comments: said...

Sometimes I wish I could draw too, but my drawing is like my signing, lol. Excellent work. Anna.

Amanda said...

Your little boy character is pretty cute! And you have some fantastic colour studies there.

There's quite a few films with little kids this year, I think. Mine is one of them. Our little kids should be friends.

Clayton Tsang said...

YES! yes they should. we should do like a crossover thing where your character and mine just hang out after the credits lol

Amanda said...

Yeah, Kyu's already done some sketches of his little girl character in the films from the people in our row. I'll definitely be wanting to do some fanart of other people's characters 8)

Carla (Veldman) Morris said...

claaayton! thanks for the comment, and I haven't seen you around too much this year, nor heard your film story. Your watercolours are amazing; are you painting your backgrounds traditionally?