Thursday, May 6, 2010

New Site!

Made a new site to use for portfolio. Check it out under the links tab or at this address:

And heres something that started off as a simple title card but one thing led to another and I ended up Michael Baying it. Its way too flashy to be taken seriously but it was still fun to do especially the sound mixing!

demoreel title animation from Clayton Tsang on Vimeo.


Amanda said...

The animation in your film is so good! :D

Andrew Murray said...

clayton that was insanely good. how long did that take? all AFX?

Clayton Tsang said...

thanks Amanda! all I see is a lot of errors and things that can improve but I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^ cant wait to put up some of the animations I'm working on at Mercury but not until next year :P

thanks Andrew! yea its all AFX and with the tutorials and plugins found here you can get these things done in a couple of hours! its loads of fun definitely check it out!

Amanda said...

Cool stuff!
We're missing you back in Oakville! 8(
We should meet up during the Ottawa Anim Festival 8]

Danny Araya said...

great animation man, I love the Arrested Development bit!